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The Mary Ann Boccolini Institute for Education, Research & Innovation

The Mary Ann Boccolini Institute for Education, Research & Innovation supports Samaritan’s organizational mission. The Boccolini Institute provides evidence-based practices and resources that improve the skill and practice of healthcare professionals.

Through education and compassion, we aim to lead the advancement of person-centered care. We offer educational programming to healthcare professionals and students, engage in research on care that will improve care experiences for patients and inform healthcare workers.   

How Can We Help You?  

Clinical Professional & Student Rotations at Samaritan  

We offer clinical rotations and internships for nursing and medical residents in our specially designed program that includes an interdisciplinary team of dedicated experts. Get More Information>> Clinical Professional & Student Rotations at Samaritan    


Professional Educational Offerings at Samaritan 

The  Boccolini Institute offers a range of educational courses for healthcare providers. Get More Information >> Professional Educational Offerings at Samaritan


Support The Mary Ann Boccolini Institute

Your generous support will ensure the sustaining advancement of the important work of The Mary Ann Boccolini Institute for Education, Research & Innovation. 

If you would like to help sustain the advancement of the Institute’s important work and help increase access to life-enhancing care. Support The Mary Ann Boccolini Institute