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Education for Other Professionals

Samaritan’s Institute for Education, Research & Innovation provides the following educational opportunities for funeral directors and financial planners.

Free Funeral Director Hospice Education at Your Location

Better Informed, Better Able to Serve: Communicating the Benefits of  Palliative Care, Hospice Care, and Bereavement Support to Your Clients

Well-informed funeral staff can offer their clients value-added support during trying times while building relationships with community providers who routinely help families address funeral arrangements such as hospice social workers. Learn about palliative care, hospice care and bereavement support.

Free Articles & Information For Financial Planners

How Philanthropy Can Add Value To Your Practice >>

Read this article about the importance of philanthropy, involving the next generation in giving back, and making philanthropy part of your natural discovery process.

Parallels in Planning: The Striking Similarities Between Estate and Care Planning>>

Read this article about importance of clients creating a comprehensive plan including estate and healthcare planning.


Want to schedule a hospice presentation at your facility?