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Venmo Instructions

How to Find Samaritan on Venmo:

If you’ve already donated to Samaritan on Venmo, you may also see our profile listed under “Top Charities” before you begin a search.

To Go Directly to Samaritan’s profile:  Scan the QR Code or click >>

OR Search for Samaritan

  1. Tap the Pay/Request button
  2. In the Search bar, enter @SamaritanNJ
  3. Tap the Charities filter to see verified charity profiles
  4. Click on our profile

How to Donate to Samaritan on Venmo:

To donate, all you’ll need to do is tap the “Donate” button on our profile to begin your donation. Then, follow these steps to complete the process:

  1. Select a donation amount or enter an amount using your keyboard
  2. Enter a note for your donation.  So that we may acknowledge your gift, please be sure to include “Your Name – Donation – What the gift Is for (for example, “John Smith – Donation – In memory of Jane Doe”
  3. Tap Donate

Please visit the Sending Donations FAQ to troubleshoot any problems or answer questions that may come up regarding Venmo.

Thank you for supporting Samaritan!